Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I know, it's inauguration day. I should be focusing all my meager attention on how F@$*ing refreshing it is to finally have a sentient being back in the White House. Oh how long we have waited!

But I can't shake what my wife found online yesterday. It's too good to be true. It's both the saddest and funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Frankly, at the moment, it trumps shoe throwing, made up words and bizarre dancing at African welcoming ceremonies.

That's right. As we all pause to celebrate the swearing in of our 44th president, our first African American president, as though it needed to be said again, there is an irony laden story creeping into the headlines. It's not of world consequence; it doesn't involve cease fire agreements or 100 billion dollar bank notes. No this story is about one thirty something white actor's entrance into the hip-hop hall of shame.

Whether it's a joke, which I think it has to be, or it's for real, this is hilarious. To that point, this is either one of the moments of sheer genius in Jaoquin Pheonix's career, or it signals his descent into some sort of bizarre self-immolation. And the reason this is such a great story is that either will do.

Happy inauguration day everybody, Oshizzle!

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