Saturday, May 30, 2009

Good God, The Time Has Come...

From an article in the Indiana Daily Student (5-28-09) [with major edits, omissions, and admitted fabrications]:

The Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign is gaining momentum.

“You Can Be Good Without God” is their ruckus.

Recently $2,000 was donated by the Indiana Center for Inquiry, which provides “alternatives to living without religion” through promotion of scientific reasoning and dude-on-dude action.

“Slicin’ up bibles, ah ho ho ho."

“It will help when the South Bend bus ads are up,” said S., a spokesperson.

Ads on Chicago buses state “In the beginning, man created God,” and the campaign had “absolutely no [fuck-you-jerk] problems at all” S. said.

The Center for Inquiry recently got hard for acronyms especially after the American Humanist Association and Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign filed a lawsuit [pending] against the Bloomington Transit System, with additional law support from the American Civil Liberties Union. Bloomington Transit has refused to put-up the ads.

“It kicked in interest,” S. said. “More donations for acronyms came in.”

In the lawsuit, Bloomington Transit is accused of having a small advertising penis, and tight tits, which violate the 1st and 14th Amendment rights of the IABC.

From FAQ:

Why say “You can be good without God”?

The Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign wants to challenge the widely-held notion that one must be religious to lead a good and purposeful life. The goal of this slogan is to bring attention to the positive and rewarding aspects of non-belief. Atheists are not good because they fear eternal damnation–they are good because they choose to be fair and kind to their fellow human beings. The bus campaign wants to bring a positive message about atheism to the public, and to spark a lively discussion about [blowing strangers at rest areas].

An open letter to god read aloud from a kneeling position [with hands made into a vertical sandwich]:

Dear God,

My friends and I think you are very great — we watch all your movies. My favorite part is when the angry Staypuff Marshmallow ravages New York City. That place is always in need of a smiting. Nothing would make me behave like “drippings with goo”.

Recently though, while chasing down my favorite means of public transport, I was advertised to in a way I had not been previously. I remember it clearly because there was that sleeping elderly vagrant I had asked you to take into heaven. And there were those African kids sitting in the back, being loud, I had wanted them not to rob or rape me — thank you for the protection.

Well, the advert was pleasant enough, blues and pinks, and with a calm font. But its message was a shot to my soul, Lord, a real wallop: You Can Be Good Without God. That’s what it said exactly. Oh, I nearly made sick on the migrant woman next to me (and her shoeless child) when I read that.

God, can I ask you something?

If earthlings really could be good without you, would you help us outsmart the devil from time to time, you know he’s persistent? I mean, in your infinite wisdom, you created woman without penis, but sales for vibrating phallic devices have increased every year since 4,000 B.C. The devil must delight and dance under the abacus, and my latest credit card bill just proves I can’t do it alone — you’re still needed.

My next question is why would atheists terrorize my bus? Luckily, I’m moving to Bloomington, Indiana, a community that has the decency to stand-up to their bus-ads of nonsense. I look forward to congratulating Bloomington Transit personally on rebuffing Atheism and the idea that social changes must begin with disenfranchised minorities on buses. What a stereotype.


Shesa Marigold

P.S. Thanks for the remitted breast cancer, I knew you had a plan.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

MuthaFukas Just Had Eight Years! [Caution: politically emotional content inside]

President Mutt said many practical things, common sense things, uplifting, hopeful and empowering things Tuesday night to the crinkly crags of the U.S. Legislative branch. He also spoke to the People and did so with an elegance no less inspiring than Miyagi’s laborious encouragement of Daniel-san through the torment of uprooted youth.

There were logistics involved in every word, as there surely are in every plan, direction, concept, and hinting nudge mentioned and fed to the clapping-honking sea lions in flag pins — who appeared very gaseous, continually raising and flopping up-and-down in their seats. There were also obvious moments of childish playground behavior when Sen. Walrus (a Republican from the Chum belt) refused to either Twist or Shout, promising “tusks to the jug-vein” for other mustachioed brethren who didn’t follow his party-line example. This gave an odd visual imbalance to the room, like half were struggling unhappily in their chairs with mediocre bowel movements, only glancing across the aisle to see wild ovations and steamy athletic performances of burlesque.
But never has a person, be they a President, pastry chef, teacher, or tee-ball coach, instilled in me as much pride for my birth country as B.H.O. has. His Tuesday evening address had me wrapped in big buxom stars and stripes, nearly forgetting the emptiness on my gay ring finger … that, and the joblessness in Rent-a-town … and the chair-bottom booger stains left by the previous administration. And then the super shit-sized dump truck sped into the industrial fan, which exploded and covered the planet of my heart with an angry tar.
Following B.H.O.’s stirring words, the major news networks allowed for a Republican rebuttal of sorts, done under the guise of “what were your thoughts on the President’s speech”. Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, introduced by Katie Couric as “the man who could give … a run in 2012”, took a stroll past the winding staircase of his mansion, up to a podium, AND began reading a fucking speech! It wasn’t a reaction to the President’s address; this was another speech. This political puppet (his state will receive stimulus money, so what’s he bitching about — not that he had a vote in the matter) was told to get in the last word … a “yeah, but” dig in the trenches of partisanship … party-line ideals repeatedly regurgitated, again! “Leaving our children in debt?” — muthafukas just had eight years! — witness the wreckage.
The worst thing was, more than it being a campaign try-out, Bobby Jindal’s style of speaking being so creepy. I felt he was trying to rub butter on the innards of someone having open-heart surgery; it sounded like the guy had just been unpacked from a create and wound-up for story-time. “I remember … as a boy … going to the store with my dad.”
Was that store in Mayberry, USA?
As the rhetoric flowed out into sound, I thought, this guy’s trying to tuck me into bed with double speak and head-pats. The Republicans are a party of scary assholes anyway, but their attempts to find a fresh face to represent them fills me with anxiety. Kooks crazier than Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindal will be yanked out of the shadows until doomsday. And their messages will be identical and their deliveries as upsetting as ever:
Roe v. Wade will be shot into space and blasted with Jesus lasers; once a year, in public, chaperoned queers will be allowed to slow dance and eat wedding cake, but only in towns like West Hollywood or Homosberg … or on Indian reservations; the Middle East will become a tax-payer funded, fantasy resort for evangelical rejects with prescription handguns
(if it’s not already).”

Thankfully, for the present, these shitty ships are in dry-dock … although, the tide will cycle.
I recommend all politicians listen daily to the last 5 minutes of P. Mutt’s speech.
And that’s all I got Marvin, go Colts!
B.H.O. 54min.
Gov. Jindal 12.5min.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dear Sports Fans & Cereal Patrons,

We regret to inform you that our sponsorship of Olympic swimming phenom, Michael Phelps, will be terminated immediately. Our decision to do so, posthaste, is the disheartening result of his own likeness seen literally smoking through the water [pipe], in a photograph published by some Cockney rag. The rag’s readers take the associations of scandal and breakfast cereal as an affront to their most important daily meal. And, the 25 hour-a-day world news machine supports this sentiment. Mr. Phelps has no where to hide, and no one to blame but himself … and the moron with the camera phone.

Some of us at the Kellogg Company know how delicious our products can be when you are bonged out of your mind … Apple Jacks especially. But the issue here is not Froot Loops, Le’Go My Eggos, or Frosted Mini-Wheats and their savory and sober enjoyment, the issue here is about image … and money. Frosted Flakes cost money, Honey Smacks cost money; we spend several hundred million a year in advertising to discourage the obvious drug connotations in both products … don’t even get me started on Bran Buds, or crack flavored Pop-Tarts. If Mr. Phelps had been smoking high fructose corn syrup, or snorting enriched flour, the need for this missive would be moot, because our foods are neither unhealthy, nor are they illegal (no matter how you ingest them).

In closing, as we remove our company name and payroll services from the tarnished aquatic champion we had aggressively sought for contract, we hope that You (the Cereal Citizenry) will continue to buy Kellogg‘s and support our "zero bong-picture" policy.
If you are one of the very few survivors to have experienced the unfortunate drone of cannabis, we ask for your discretion in life, and, most certainly, for you to suspend any aspirations of greatness in the arena of competitive swimming.
Please, please, please continue to buy our non-criminal cereals ... please. (Unless in Amsterdam, then try the Mueslix-X-rated Bran, or the Special K-420. That shit‘ll fuck you up).

Tony the Tiger

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I know, it's inauguration day. I should be focusing all my meager attention on how F@$*ing refreshing it is to finally have a sentient being back in the White House. Oh how long we have waited!

But I can't shake what my wife found online yesterday. It's too good to be true. It's both the saddest and funniest thing I have seen in a long time. Frankly, at the moment, it trumps shoe throwing, made up words and bizarre dancing at African welcoming ceremonies.

That's right. As we all pause to celebrate the swearing in of our 44th president, our first African American president, as though it needed to be said again, there is an irony laden story creeping into the headlines. It's not of world consequence; it doesn't involve cease fire agreements or 100 billion dollar bank notes. No this story is about one thirty something white actor's entrance into the hip-hop hall of shame.

Whether it's a joke, which I think it has to be, or it's for real, this is hilarious. To that point, this is either one of the moments of sheer genius in Jaoquin Pheonix's career, or it signals his descent into some sort of bizarre self-immolation. And the reason this is such a great story is that either will do.

Happy inauguration day everybody, Oshizzle!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Happy Inauguration!!

Today, I have decided to drink too much. I will eat a McDonald’s cheeseburger and then take naked photos of myself in the truck stop’s men’s room. Certainly, I have other things I could do, but today is a day of weakness and idle despair. It is cold and gray, and I have nowhere to go. A kind of per diem that gnaws on the bones and puts aches in the soul seems to loiter here, and smartly, in this godforsaken place, they sell coolers and beer.
I steal now, very much, so nothing of value is questioned. If you want Heineken and a four pack of Ultimate Lithium Energizer batteries, put them in your coat— no one is watching. My experience tells me: no one cares for these little things. Don’t waste your money, no one is even paying attention. Besides, it feels good to be frugal. And frugality is something you need to learn, if you wish to snare that Jewish mate.
If you didn’t know, America is a wonderful labyrinth of artful dodgers. There are also muckrakers, sycophants, lame-ducks, and sons of Zeus, id est, people just like jew/you and me. If someone out of our huddled mass wants to be a bigot, a quarter-back, or a culinary student, our freedoms allow us to move as far away from that source of irritation as we want. This is not New York City or California, this is America.
Recently, I had to go number two. And, as embarrassing as that is, I was quickly unaware of my natural baseness when I saw the fresh graffito on the door of the stall. It seemed to be still steaming with ignorance, and I felt I should photo its turdy sentiment. Problem was, my new camera was in the truck. Wiping, I vowed to return to this bull’s eye of assholes and record this stupidity for you, my friends. When I returned, half was erased…and very cleanly. Today, when I will drink too much, it has disappeared completely. Some restroom attendant has completed an odd part of their contractual duty. And, I will now declare, all the Heineken in the world won’t power a third eye. Cheers from Mebane, NC.
“Why are niggers so
& Lazy?”
It continued:
“Why would anyone vote for
A Musliem [sic] Nigger Terrorist
Does Anyone remember 911?”
Remember, my last name is Bruce, and Lenny Bruce’s last name was Schneider.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Obama plan for the Arts.

This is quite a plan. I hope it has a chance.


Our nation’s creativity has filled the world’s libraries, museums, recital halls, movie houses, and marketplaces with works of genius. The arts embody the American spirit of self-definition. As the author of two best-selling books – Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope – Barack Obama uniquely appreciates the role and value of creative expression.

Reinvest in Arts Education: To remain competitive in the global economy, America needs to reinvigorate the kind of creativity and innovation that has made this country great. To do so, we must nourish our children’s creative skills. In addition to giving our children the science and math skills they need to compete in the new global context, we should also encourage the ability to think creatively that comes from a meaningful arts education. Unfortunately, many school districts are cutting instructional time for art and music education. Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that the arts should be a central part of effective teaching and learning. The Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts recently said “The purpose of arts education is not to produce more artists, though that is a byproduct. The real purpose of arts education is to create complete human beings capable of leading successful and productive lives in a free society.” To support greater arts education,
Obama will:

Expand Public/Private Partnerships Between Schools and Arts Organizations: Barack Obama and Joe Biden will increase resources for the U.S. Department of Education’s Arts Education Model Development and Dissemination Grants, which develop public/private partnerships between schools and arts organizations. They will also engage the foundation and corporate community to increase support for public/private partnerships.

Create an Artist Corps: Barack Obama and Joe Biden support the creation of an “Artists Corps” of young artists trained to work in low-income schools and their communities. Studies in Chicago have demonstrated that test scores improved faster for students enrolled in low-income schools that link arts across the curriculum than scores for students in schools lacking such programs.

Publicly Champion the Importance of Arts Education: As president, Barack Obama will use the bully pulpit and the example he will set in the White House to promote the importance of arts and arts education in America. Not only is arts education indispensable for success in a rapidly changing, high skill, information economy, but studies show that arts education raises test scores in other subject areas as well.

Support Increased Funding for the NEA: Over the last 15 years, government funding for the National Endowment for the Arts has been slashed from $175 million annually in 1992 to $125 million today. Barack Obama and Joe Biden support increased funding for the NEA, the support of which enriches schools and neighborhoods all across the nation and helps to promote the economic development of countless communities.

Promote Cultural Diplomacy: American artists, performers and thinkers – representing our values and ideals – can inspire people both at home and all over the world. Through efforts like that of the United States Information Agency, America’s cultural leaders were deployed around the world during the Cold War as artistic ambassadors and helped win the war of ideas by demonstrating to the world the promise of America. Artists can be utilized again to help us win the war of ideas against Islamic extremism. Unfortunately, our resources for cultural diplomacy are at their lowest level in a decade. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will work to reverse this trend and improve and expand public-private partnerships to expand cultural and arts exchanges throughout the world.

Attract Foreign Talent: The flipside to promoting American arts and culture abroad is welcoming members of the foreign arts community to America. Opening America’s doors to students and professional artists provides the kind of two-way cultural understanding that can break down the barriers that feed hatred and fear. As America tightened visa restrictions after 9/11, the world’s most talented students and artists, who used to come here, went elsewhere. Barack Obama and Joe Biden will streamline the visa process to return America to its rightful place as the world’s top destination for artists and art students.

Provide Health Care to Artists: Finding affordable health coverage has often been one of the most vexing obstacles for artists and those in the creative community. Since many artists work independently or have non-traditional employment relationships, employer-based coverage is unavailable and individual policies are financially out of reach. The Obama-Biden plan will provide all Americans with quality, affordable health care. Their plan includes the creation of a new public program that will allow individuals and small businesses to buy affordable health care similar to that available to federal employees. Their plan also creates a National Health Insurance Exchange to reform the private insurance market and allow Americans to enroll in participating private plans, which would have to provide comprehensive benefits, issue every applicant a policy, and charge fair and stable premiums. For those who still cannot afford coverage, the government will provide a subsidy. His health plan will lower costs for the typical American family by up to $2,500 per year.

Ensure Tax Fairness for Artists: Barack Obama supports the Artist-Museum Partnership Act, introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT). The Act amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow artists to deduct the fair market value of their work, rather than just the costs of the materials, when they make charitable contributions.

Paid for by Obama for America

Monday, December 15, 2008

Right wing jackass misses the point.

I admit this is not a real compelling headline, but Cal Thomas's article about Obama's vision for a prostrate U.S. government in the face of a one world government is patently absurd.

I've read the Audacity of hope, quite recently in fact, and what Barack refers to in the passage Thomas quotes is about working with foreign governments on a more equal basis. We can't expect other countries to disarm if we don't take leadership. And we can't expect trust from foreign governments if we act with an air of American exceptionalism--an idea who's time has long past.

I've also read Hot, Flat and Crowded by Thomas Friedman as well as The Great Experiment by Strobe Talbott (former deputy secretary of state under Clinton). They talk about the impossibility of American exceptionalism in an age where you can get around the globe in less than two days or work virtually in and from nearly any place on earth. This means that the traditional rule of law based on borders is simply not sufficient to tackle the legal, moral and economic issues that we face as human beings. And if we continue to follow the shortsighted, blindly nationalistic rhetoric of idiots like Cal Thomas, then we are bound for marginalization. The world is getting smaller, and we need to learn to play a little nicer. I don't think this comes as a shock to many--except Cal Thomas.

I say poo poo to Cal Thomas! He gets a big politica-ca stick in the eye!