As you may know by now the economic conference conjured up little results over the past weekend. It was more a 'We are the World' vibe that produced few, if none, concrete measures. At least a we are the richest in the world and it's an open bar! (see Brazil/US/China cheers) In fact, the conference has done so much to instill confidence in the world markets that earlier today Japan announced it's in a full scale recession, quickly followed by a similar one from the almighty Euro-zone. It seems to be a full scale Japanese style Godzilla attack across descending time zones. I figure it should hit California sometime after lunch. That is if we're wussy enough to make such a claim!
Should I get to my point though, I mean what I started out with? I have come to rely on these news persons to relate exactly what I related in the paragraph above. I received the news today from a blank, uncaring computer screen, not the friendly faces that I've spent many afternoons with. Now there is no where to turn. The local pub doesn't show MSNBC, CNN...hell give me a little FOX. The surfers who live next door probably don't want to watch it on their cable. If the world's in the WC, I don't want the news from a dot com.
Now that I have no cable I find myself spending my off hours constantly on line. On facebook the other day I typed in Chris Matthews and he's got a fan club, but no personal page. Then I typed in Julia Boorstin, perhaps a lesser known figure on CNBC, but there was no one better to deliver grim economic news. I sent her a friend request to her personal page. From it I could only gather that she had graduated from Princeton in 2000. She had a sweet unassuming picture, in which she was wearing a summer hat. I waited a few days and then grew impatient. I knew that she wasn't going to see my request through, but I decided that we should probably just keep the relationship professional. So I joined her fan club instead.
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