From an article in the Indiana Daily Student (5-28-09) [with major edits, omissions, and admitted fabrications]:
The Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign is gaining momentum.
“You Can Be Good Without God” is their ruckus.
Recently $2,000 was donated by the Indiana Center for Inquiry, which provides “alternatives to living without religion” through promotion of scientific reasoning and dude-on-dude action.
“Slicin’ up bibles, ah ho ho ho."
“It will help when the South Bend bus ads are up,” said S., a spokesperson.
Ads on Chicago buses state “In the beginning, man created God,” and the campaign had “absolutely no [fuck-you-jerk] problems at all” S. said.
The Center for Inquiry recently got hard for acronyms especially after the American Humanist Association and Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign filed a lawsuit [pending] against the Bloomington Transit System, with additional law support from the American Civil Liberties Union. Bloomington Transit has refused to put-up the ads.
“It kicked in interest,” S. said. “More donations for acronyms came in.”
In the lawsuit, Bloomington Transit is accused of having a small advertising penis, and tight tits, which violate the 1st and 14th Amendment rights of the IABC.
From inatheistbus.org FAQ:
Why say “You can be good without God”?
The Indiana Atheist Bus Campaign wants to challenge the widely-held notion that one must be religious to lead a good and purposeful life. The goal of this slogan is to bring attention to the positive and rewarding aspects of non-belief. Atheists are not good because they fear eternal damnation–they are good because they choose to be fair and kind to their fellow human beings. The bus campaign wants to bring a positive message about atheism to the public, and to spark a lively discussion about [blowing strangers at rest areas].
An open letter to god read aloud from a kneeling position [with hands made into a vertical sandwich]:
Dear God,
My friends and I think you are very great — we watch all your movies. My favorite part is when the angry Staypuff Marshmallow ravages New York City. That place is always in need of a smiting. Nothing would make me behave like “drippings with goo”.
Recently though, while chasing down my favorite means of public transport, I was advertised to in a way I had not been previously. I remember it clearly because there was that sleeping elderly vagrant I had asked you to take into heaven. And there were those African kids sitting in the back, being loud, I had wanted them not to rob or rape me — thank you for the protection.
Well, the advert was pleasant enough, blues and pinks, and with a calm font. But its message was a shot to my soul, Lord, a real wallop: You Can Be Good Without God. That’s what it said exactly. Oh, I nearly made sick on the migrant woman next to me (and her shoeless child) when I read that.
God, can I ask you something?
If earthlings really could be good without you, would you help us outsmart the devil from time to time, you know he’s persistent? I mean, in your infinite wisdom, you created woman without penis, but sales for vibrating phallic devices have increased every year since 4,000 B.C. The devil must delight and dance under the abacus, and my latest credit card bill just proves I can’t do it alone — you’re still needed.
My next question is why would atheists terrorize my bus? Luckily, I’m moving to Bloomington, Indiana, a community that has the decency to stand-up to their bus-ads of nonsense. I look forward to congratulating Bloomington Transit personally on rebuffing Atheism and the idea that social changes must begin with disenfranchised minorities on buses. What a stereotype.
Shesa Marigold
P.S. Thanks for the remitted breast cancer, I knew you had a plan.