Hello. From time to time, I will be reporting from the roadways of America: truckstops, Wal-Marts, and Applebee's will be thoroughly douched. Their bathroom graffito shows an overwhelming bias against gays and Obama most recently. The Heartland may be unjust, but, in the cold room of comedy, we warm ourselves by a little fire of truth. Cheers.
-Did anyone ever accuse Jimmy Carter of having “pee-nuts” in his pants after he went to the urinal?
-Bill Clinton didn’t inhale? Come on. Liars are common, but BAD liars should be stoned to death.
-Lyndon Johnson donated his body to a 96 ouncer steak house? Who knew? No one? Delicious.
-Michael Dukakis once tucked his junk into his trunk and sat cross-legged on a wooden barstool, rocking from cheek to cheek until well past midnight--all done in the name of Charity. Is she back in town?
-While in ‘Nam, John Kerry supposedly contracted a taste for monkey. Stewed, pickled, or raw…with lots of ketchup.
-Did you know that FDR declared war on the Axis powers, not because of Pearl Harbor, but because Hitler had criticized his posture?
-“Joe” Lieberman? More like Benedict Arnold Lieberman.
-“Who killed the Kennedy’s? Well after all, it was you and me.” Mick Jagger should really stop including us.
-Al Gore…his name sounds like a cheap Italian horror film.
-It’s little known that Hubert Humphrey’s tongue was barely long enough to lick his wounds.
-Hillary Clinton is a real stand-up lady, that is until she sits down…on her throne of bitterness.
-John Edwards put his head in-between someone else’s legs, and magically kissed his own ass goodbye.
-Walter Mondale is to George McGovern, what Woodrow Wilson is to an opium pipe.
-If Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton both fell out of an acorn tree, which one would become upset and try to cut its nuts off?
-Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi, we are told, are from this planet. Both represent California in the U.S. legislative branch. So…what if they had a shower scene together in a women’s penitentiary movie? And then while they were knocked out during a riot, a scientist switched their brains, and hearts, and genitalia with those of two skinny hens? And then Gay marriage was only allowed in El Pollo Loco. Delicious.
-Betting dollars to donuts Howard Dean feels like the blunt instrument used in a botched nation-wide prostate exam.
-Sen. Robert Byrd of WV, once a dues paying KKK member (no joke), has been in office since 1-3-59. That’s 50 FUCKIN YEARS!! This year let’s hope he finally passes something…a bill, a stone, some gas, or just away into the clouds with his oldness.
-Someone tell Joe Biden he’s got to stop making so many obscure work-out videos. The Delaware Deltoid was painful to watch.
-From a scientific vantage, it was interesting to observe Gary Hart’s political career implode like a bottle of Viagra ejected into deep space.
-Harry Truman, as vice president, had heard others before him mention the VP job to be unworthy of “warm piss” or “warm spit”. Truman quickly sent out his own rejoinder, “Indubitably droll. Sirs, the piss and spit gab stops here.”
-[Scene 1 (office/DAY)
Boss: I wouldn’t hire Tom Daschle to lick my postage stamps!
Secretary: Well, hows about to kiss your pimply ass then?
Boss: Only if he has soft health-insured lips.
End scene.]
-Who’s left, Barack Obama? Nothing funny about that guy…not unless he has one half of the White House painted black.
Next time...Liberals.
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