The sideshow continues to be strung along one injection at a time. The most recent injection occurring on Thursday as Sarah Palin ceremonially pardoned a turkey in Wasilla, AK. This being the intended spectacle, provided a sound foundation for the real, unintended spectacle. The intensional being her mandatory show of light-hearted governing where her words farted out of the corner of her half crocked smile and some witnesses surely played involuntarily in their heads, "All turkeys are created equal, but some are more equal than others...." Palin then injected the MYTH further by fielding questions from reporters as the 'less equal' turkeys were sentenced to the guillotine in the background. *wink* *wink*
What is this MYTH? The myth that she has any shred of competence. A myth that surely only she believes anymore. So now comes the question, with a nation, or actually a world of non-believers surrounding her, why are these injections fueling the buzz of fascination so potent? Her family holds the answer. No, this family is not her snow machine humping husband or the five clones of themselves they've popped out into this world. I'm referring to her political family. And one only has to look as far as her brother, George W. Bush for reference. He too has had his fun with turkeys.
However in January it will be Mr. Obama's chance to put on the bib and pull himself up to the table to dig into the results of right-wing extremists tinkering in the kitchen. Never trust a skinny cook but more importantly, never trust an oblivious religion-exploiting war-mongering cook.
Why do we still pay attention to these folks? Well, with the same fascination that prods us to laugh at relatives who have a little too much Thanksgiving wine resulting in an unfortunate fall down the stairs at Grandma's house, we all love, love, love, with the utmost affection, a good old fashioned family train-wreck. And no matter how much we'd like to disown them, Brother George and Sister Sarah have that same American blood trickling through their veins as we do. Ah, family.
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