Monday, December 1, 2008

31 days in 31 days

In recognition of my birthday month I would like to introduce a new series I like to call, 31 days in 31 days. Everyday I will post a new blog- it could be breaking news, or a recipe for chili, I don't know what the future holds.

Day one- Throw me a freaking bone would you.

President Elect Obama nominates Sen. Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State and (drum roll please) she graciously accepts. This sure gave the press corp something to gossip about in the playground. Of course the party (in this case dems) comes together in the end. Don't we all say things in the heat of the battle? It would have been a rather boring primary if everyone played nice. Was this the first election they covered? And after all the hours and dollars spent, I would be expecting something too. Not a bad gig she picked up either. Oh, those frequent flier miles!

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